Rocking Chairs

The 'Bramley' Rocking Chair is a blend of aesthetic harmony and ergonomic comfort.

Since first being developed in 2010, this design has been consistently popular. It has been rigorously designed to give maximum comfort with careful attention given to correct ergonomics for lumbar support, arm positions and rocking action. The seat is coopered (glued into an approximate curve), moulded and hand carved into a smooth and comfortable shape. The backs are laminated from thin strips creating a strong and slightly flexible form.

Most of the work on this piece is hand done, including all the joinery. Examples are usually available for purchase either from a gallery or my studio. Each one has my signature and stock number hand carved on the underside of the seat.

Standard price £2750

Contact Me

Mark Ripley Furniture, Unit 2 Cufaude Business Park, Cufaude Lane, Bramley, Hampshire. RG26 5DL

Instagram: markripleyfurniture